Code of Conduct

Code of conduct for employees, suppliers and subcontractors

Code of conduct / principles of conduct of LINE Reinraumtechnik GmbH for employees

The Code of Conduct of the LINE Group regulates the behavior that applies to all employees of the Group. It contains guidelines on how employees should behave in a legally correct, ethical and socially responsible manner.

Values such as personal responsibility, openness and transparency as well as legally compliant and ethically correct behavior at all times are particularly important to us. 

Code of conduct / principles of conduct of LINE Reinraumtechnik GmbH for suppliers and subcontractors

The following guidelines describe the position of our company with regard to business ethics, working conditions, human rights and environmental protection; both for our suppliers and for their subcontractors and suppliers.

These guidelines are based on fundamental principles of social and environmental responsibility that comply with local laws and meet international expectations.

We expect our suppliers to comply with these standards and to pass them on in their supply chain.

Your contact person
Annabell Krauss